April Pulley Sayre,
nonfiction-author-extraordinaire heads up the list with literally hundreds of
activity ideas for teachers. Her Educator Resource page
is divided into the categories of: Author Study, Book Links, Book-Related
Activities (tons of these!), Birds, Fish, Geography and Biomes, Insects,
Mammals, Math, Other, Physical Science, Reptiles and Amphibians, Seeds,
Vegetables and Fruits, Writing Process, Featured Resource, Miscellaneous,
Standards and Curriculum, Story Plans, and Worksheets. Wow April! We can't ask
for more than that!
Patricia Polocco, author/illustrator has a tab at
the top of her page that says Fun Stuff. There
you will find Color-Ins, Postcards, Puzzles, Bookmarks, Portrait Downloads,
Mini-Posters, Video Gallery, and Audio. Check it out!
Author/Illustrator Jan Brett is known for her
finely detailed illustrations.
Here, you can find Activities. Coloring Pages, Murals, Cards,
Hedge-a-Grams (audio), and Games. Nice stuff!
Author and Illustrator combo, Don and Audrey Wood. Audrey's
activities page can be found by clicking the Activities box at the top of the
page. In the drop down menu, you will find printables for eight of Audrey's
books. Everyone will love the secret pages found by clicking the tab at
the top, which show photos that were used as models for Don's fantastic
illustrations as well as other books-in-the-making info.
And finally, check out everyone's favorite poet, Jack Prelutski's page.
Personally, I find the creature on the landing page a bit creepy, but Jack's a
poet, not an illustrator, so I'll let it slide. Jack doesn't have printables,
but he has a number of activities there.
With some authors, connecting kids to books is as
easy as going to their websites!
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